A game that I liked (ChessBase 13)
[Event "Stigter-64 JT"] [Site "?"] [Date "2018.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "(5) Vladislav Tarasiuk (UKR)"] [Black "?"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [Annotator "1st/2nd Prize"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "6N1/2p1K1p1/8/5k2/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "25"] [EventDate "2017.??.??"] 1. Kf7 $3 ({Thematic try:} 1. Kd7 $2 c5 2. Ne7+ Ke4 3. Kd6 c4 4. Nd5 Kd4 $1 5. Nb4 g5 6. Nc2+ Kd3 7. Nb4+ Ke3 $1 8. Ke5 g4 9. Nd5+ Kf3 10. Kd4 g3 11. Ne3 Kf2 $1 12. Ng4+ Ke2 $1 $19 {Position A - (black wins)}) 1... g5 2. Ne7+ $1 ({Try:} 2. Nh6+ $2 Ke4 $1 3. Kf6 c5 4. Kxg5 c4 5. Ng4 (5. Nf5 c3 6. Nd6+ Kd3 $1 $19) 5... c3 6. Nf2+ Kd4 $1 $19) 2... Ke4 3. Kf6 $1 g4 4. Nf5 Kf4 $1 (4... c5 5. Kg5 c4 6. Nd6+ Kd3 7. Nxc4 $1 $11) 5. Nh4 c5 (5... g3 6. Ng2+ Kf3 7. Nh4+ Ke4 8. Kg5 c5 9. Kg4 c4 10. Kxg3 c3 11. Nf3 c2 12. Nd2+ Kd3 13. Nb3 $11) 6. Ng2+ Kf3 7. Nh4+ $1 (7. Kf5 $2 c4 $1 8. Nh4+ Ke3 9. Kxg4 c3 10. Ng2+ Kd2 $1 $19) 7... Ke3 8. Ke5 c4 9. Nf5+ Kd3 10. Kf4 c3 11. Ne3 Kd2 $1 12. Nc4+ $1 Ke2 { Echo-symmetry of position A} 13. Na3 {(a5) draw. "This stunning logical malyutka (a 5 men baby study) is based on the asymmetry of the chessboard. The solution, just like the logical try, is surprisingly accurate despite the length of the main line. A most remarkable discovery!" - judge Yochanan Afek.} 1/2-1/2