A game that I liked (ChessBase 13)
[Event "Chess Olympiad"] [Site "?"] [Date "2018.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Rusz, Árpád"] [Black "(Study 163)"] [Result "1-0"] [Annotator "Special Commendation"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "5R2/8/3r3P/8/1N6/1p6/p7/k1K5 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "13"] 1. Nc2+ $1 (1. Rf2 $2 Rc6+ $1 (1... Rxh6 $2 2. Rxa2+ $1 bxa2 3. Nc2#) (1... b2+ $2 2. Rxb2 Rc6+ 3. Rc2 Rxh6 (3... Rxc2+ 4. Nxc2#) 4. Rxa2#) 2. Nxc6 b2+ 3. Rxb2 {stalemate}) 1... bxc2 2. h7 Rf6 $1 (2... Rh6 3. Rf1 $1 Rxh7 4. Kxc2#) 3. Rf7 $3 {mutual zugzwang} (3. h8=Q $2 {stalemate}) (3. h8=R $2 Rxf8 4. Rxf8 { stalemate}) (3. Rg8 $2 Rf1+ $1 (3... Rh6 $2 4. Rg1 Rxh7 5. Kxc2#) 4. Kxc2 Rf2+ 5. Kb3 Rf3+ 6. Kc2 Rf2+ {perpetual check}) 3... Rf1+ $1 4. Kxc2 Rf6 $1 {Black managed to lose a tempo but the position is slightly changed: the first rank now it is open.} (4... Rf2+ 5. Kb3 Rb2+ 6. Ka3 (6. Kc3 $6 Rc2+ $1 7. Kb3 Rb2+) 6... Kb1 7. Rf1+ Kc2 8. h8=Q $18) (4... Rc1+ 5. Kb3 $1 Kb1 6. h8=Q a1=Q 7. Qh7+ $18) 5. h8=R $1 (5. Rd7 $2 Rc6+ 6. Kb3 Rb6+ 7. Ka3 Ra6+ 8. Kb3 Rb6+ {perpetual check}) 5... Rxf7 6. Rh1+ Rf1 7. Rxf1# 1-0