A game that I liked (ChessBase 13)
[Event "Zinchuk-80 MT"] [Site "?"] [Date "2018.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Rusz, Árpád"] [Black "(Study 146)"] [Result "1-0"] [Annotator "1st-2nd Prize"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "B7/8/8/2P5/1p1r3k/8/6R1/2K4n w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "27"] {[%csl Ga8,Gh1]} 1. Rh2+ (1. c6 $2 Ng3 2. c7 Rc4+ 3. Rc2 Ne2+ 4. Kd2 Nc3 $11) 1... Kg3 2. Rd2 $1 (2. Rxh1 $2 Rc4+ $11) 2... Rc4+ $1 (2... Rxd2 3. Kxd2 Nf2 4. Bd5 $1 (4. Bh1 $2 Nxh1 5. c6 Nf2 6. c7 Ne4+ 7. Kd3 Nd6 $11) 4... Ng4 5. c6 Nf6 6. c7 $18) 3. Rc2 Rxc2+ 4. Kxc2 Nf2 {The knight has managed to escape from the corner square. Unfortunately the g3 square was blocked by the king so the knight had to choose the inferior f2 square.} 5. Bh1 $3 {Umnov Theme. The bishop moves to a square just left by the knight.} (5. Bd5 $2 Ng4 6. c6 Ne3+ 7. Kb3 Nxd5 $11) (5. c6 $2 Ne4 6. c7 Nd6 $11) 5... b3+ $1 (5... Nxh1 6. c6 Nf2 7. c7 Ne4 8. c8=Q $18) 6. Kxb3 (6. Kb2 $2 Nd3+ $11) (6. Kb1 $2 Nd1 $1 7. c6 Nc3+ 8. Kb2 Nb5 $11) 6... Nd3 7. c6 Nc5+ 8. Kc4 Ne6 9. Kd5 Nc7+ 10. Kc5 $1 (10. Kd6 $2 Na8 $1 11. Kd7 Nb6+ 12. Kd6 (12. Kc7 Nc4 $11) 12... Na8 {positional draw}) 10... Na8 $1 {[%csl Ga8,Gh1] Compared to the initial position, the knight and the bishop have interchanged their places.} 11. Kb5 Kf4 12. Ka6 Ke5 (12... Nc7+ 13. Kb6 Ne8 14. Bd5 Ke5 15. Bf7 Nd6 16. c7 $1 $18) 13. Kb7 Kd6 14. Kxa8 {Who would have thought that the knight will be captured not on h1 but on the opposite corner square?} 1-0