A game that I liked (ChessBase 13)
[Event "Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsia"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Michael Byrne & Árpád Rusz"] [Black "(Study 129)"] [Result "1-0"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "5B2/8/1K6/8/8/ppR5/k7/rbR5 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "65"] [EventDate "2017.??.??"] 1. Ka5 $1 (1. Kb5 $2 Bd3+ $1 2. Rxd3 Rxc1 $11) 1... Bc2 $1 2. Bxa3 $1 (2. Rxa1+ $2 Kxa1 3. Bxa3 b2 $11) 2... Kxa3 3. R1xc2 $1 (3. Rxa1+ $2 Kb2 $11 {fork}) 3... Rh1 ({main2} 3... Ra2 4. Rc1 Rg2 $1 5. Rf3 $3 ({Thematic try:} 5. Rh3 $2 Rg5+ 6. Kb6 Rg6+ 7. Kb5 Rg5+ 8. Kc4 Ka2 9. Kb4 Rg4+ 10. Kc3 b2 11. Rc2 Ka1 $1 12. Rxb2 Rg3+ $1 13. Rxg3 {stalemate}) 5... Rg5+ 6. Kb6 Rg6+ 7. Kb5 Rg5+ 8. Kc4 Ka2 9. Kb4 Rg4+ 10. Kc3 b2 11. Rc2 Ka1 12. Rxb2 $18) 4. Rf2 $3 ({Thematic try:} 4. Rg2 $2 Rh3 5. Rc4 Rh5+ 6. Ka6 Rh3 (6... Rh6+) (6... Rh8) 7. Kb5 Rh5+ 8. Kc6 Rh6+ 9. Kd5 Rh5+ 10. Ke6 Rh6+ 11. Kf5 Rh5+ 12. Kg6 (12. Kf6 Rh6+ 13. Kg5 Rh8 $1 14. Kf6 Rh6+ {positional draw}) 12... Rb5 13. Rg3 Ka2 14. Ra4+ Kb1 15. Rg1+ Kb2 16. Kf6 Rc5 17. Ke6 Rc1 18. Rg3 Rc3 19. Rg8 Kb1 20. Ra3 Kb2 21. Rga8 Kc2 $11 { Position X'. The white king is too far to help.}) 4... Rh3 $1 5. Rc4 (5. Rxh3 $2 {stalemate}) 5... Rh5+ 6. Ka6 $1 (6. Kb6 $2 b2 7. Rf3+ Ka2 8. Ra4+ Kb1 9. Rf1+ Kc2 10. Rb4 Kc3 $11) 6... Rh3 (6... b2 7. Rf3+ Ka2 8. Ra4+ Kb1 9. Rf1+ Kc2 10. Rb4 Kc3 11. Rb8 $18) 7. Kb5 Rh5+ 8. Kc6 Rh6+ 9. Kd5 (9. Kc7) (9. Kd7) 9... Rh5+ 10. Ke6 (10. Kd6) 10... Rh6+ 11. Ke5 (11. Ke7) 11... Rh5+ 12. Kf6 Rh8 $1 13. Kf7 $1 (13. Kg7 $2 Rb8 $11) 13... Rh7+ 14. Kg6 Rb7 15. Rf3 Ka2 16. Ra4+ Kb1 17. Rf1+ Kb2 $1 (17... Kc2 18. Rc4+ Kd3 19. Rcc1 b2 20. Rfd1+ $1 Ke2 21. Rb1 $18) 18. Kf6 $1 Rc7 19. Ke5 $1 {In contrast to the thematic try, there was no rook protecting the fifth rank.} Rc1 20. Rf3 Rc3 21. Rf8 $1 {White doesn't allow a black counterplay based on Rc8.} Kb1 22. Ra3 $1 {The only way to stop the pawn is by pinning.} Kb2 23. Rfa8 (23. Kd4 $2 Rh3 $1 24. Ra7 Rh4+ 25. Ke5 Rh5+ 26. Kf4 Kb1 $1 {Black uses the poor position of the f8 rook which is obstructed by its own king.} 27. Rb8 b2 $11) 23... Kc2 {Position X. Now the white king is closer compared to Position X' reached in the thematic try.} 24. Kd4 $1 Rd3+ 25. Ke4 $1 {White leaves the c-file open for a rook check.} (25. Kc4 $2 b2 26. Rxd3 b1=Q $11) 25... Rc3 26. Rg8 (26. Rh8) 26... Kb2 (26... b2 27. Rg2+ Kd1 28. Rxc3 b1=Q+ 29. Rd3+ Ke1 30. Rg1+ $18) 27. Kd4 $1 Rc2 $1 { Although the best square for the black rook is c1, black deliberately wastes a tempo before putting it there trying to play for a zugzwang.} 28. Rga8 (28. Ra4 $2 Kb1 29. Rc4 b2 $11 {Now we see the reason for moving the black rook to c2 instead of c7. With an unprotected rook, this pawn move wouldn't be possible.}) 28... Rc1 {The threat 29.Ra1 had to be stopped. Now white seems to be in zugzwang but it still can win by transferring the move to black. This position is a cyclic zugzwang - WTM.} 29. R3a7 {White threatens to put a rook to the b-file. Beside occupying the first rank, this is white's other plan to win.} ( 29. R3a4) (29. R3a5) (29. R3a6) 29... Kb1 $1 {Black aims for a fortress by trying to push the pawn.} 30. Ra1+ (30. Rb7 $2 b2 $11 {Fortress}) 30... Kb2 31. R1a3 $1 {cyclic zugzwang - BTM} Rh1 {Black has to keep the rook on the first rank.} 32. R3a7 (32. R3a5) (32. R3a6) 32... Kb1 {This is the last try to build the fortress. Now that the black rook has moved from c1, this move loses immediately.} 33. Ra1+ 1-0