A game that I liked (ChessBase 13)
[Event "Problemist of Ukraine"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "(6) Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen"] [Black "?"] [Result "1-0"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/r7/3P1k2/1P6/bp6/3p4/2PP4/3BRK2 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "21"] [EventDate "2017.??.??"] {At first, White wants to keep his material advantage.} 1. c4 {Creating three dangerous passed pawns, forcing Black's answer.} bxc3 {e.p.} (1... Bxd1 2. Rxd1 $18) 2. b6 {Using the fact that the rook needs to cover the bishop.} ({After} 2. Bxa4 $2 {Black draws by exchanging everything:} cxd2 $1 $11 (2... Rxa4 $2 3. dxc3 $18)) 2... Rh7 $1 {Black must go on the offensive.} 3. b7 $1 ({Too slow is } 3. Bxa4 $2 Rh1+ 4. Kf2 Rxe1 {and a draw, as} 5. Kxe1 $4 {loses to} c2 $19) ( 3. d7 $2 {with the same idea is met by} Bxd7 $11) 3... cxd2 $1 {Threatening 4.. .Rh1+.} ({After} 3... Rxb7 {White stabilizes like this:} 4. Bxa4 cxd2 5. Rd1 Rb4 6. Be8 $1 Rd4 7. d7 $18) 4. Re7 $1 (4. Re6+ Kxe6 5. Bg4+ Kd5 6. b8=Q Rf7+ 7. Kg2 Rg7 $11) (4. b8=Q $4 Rh1+ $19) 4... Bxd1 (4... Rh1+ 5. Kf2 $18) (4... Rh8 5. Bxa4 $18) 5. b8=Q Bb3 $1 {It appears that White's threats to the Black king is not so serious.} 6. Qxb3 d1=Q+ $1 7. Qxd1 Rh1+ 8. Kg2 $1 {A key move, anticipating a Black knight promotion.} ({After the natural} 8. Kf2 $2 Rxd1 9. Re4 ({or} 9. Re5 d2 {with similar lines}) 9... d2 10. Rd4 Ra1 (10... Rb1) ( 10... Rh1) 11. d7 d1=N+ $1 {=}) 8... Rxd1 9. Re5 $3 {This move secures that the black king is one move too late to support his pawn.} (9. Re4 $2 d2 (9... Ra1 $2 10. d7 Ra8 11. Re8 $18) 10. Rd4 Ke5 $1 11. d7 Kxd4 12. d8=Q+ Kc3 $1 $11 {In the resulting position, White's queen is unable to push the king off the pawn.}) ({Another natural move} 9. Re3 $2 {is met by} Rd2+ $1 10. Kg3 Re2 $1 11. Rxd3 Re8 $11) (9. Re8 $2 d2 10. d7 Rg1+ $1 $11) 9... Kxe5 (9... d2 10. Rd5 Rb1 11. d7 d1=Q 12. d8=Q+ $18) (9... Rb1 10. d7 Rb8 11. Re8 $18) (9... Rd2+ 10. Kf3 (10. Kg3) 10... Kxe5 11. d7 $18) 10. d7 Ke4 (10... d2 11. d8=Q $18 {The pawn will quickly drop.}) 11. d8=Q $18 1-0