A game that I liked (ChessBase 13)
[Event "10th WCCT"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "(4) Richard Becker (USA)"] [Black "?"] [Result "1-0"] [Annotator "2nd Place"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/2q4p/8/1R6/7B/2k5/Bp2K3/8 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "37"] [EventDate "2017.??.??"] 1. Bf6+ (1. Bg3 $2 b1=Q $1 $11) 1... Kc2 2. Be5 $1 (2. Rxb2+ $2 Kc1 3. Rb1+ Kc2 4. Rb4 Qh2+ $11) 2... Qe7 (2... Qc8 3. Rxb2+ Kc1 4. Rb1+ Kc2 5. Rb4 $18) (2... Qc6 3. Bb3+ Kc1 4. Rd5 Qxd5 5. Bf4+ Kb1 6. Bxd5 $18) 3. Rxb2+ (3. Bb3+ $2 Kc1 4. Rd5 Qxe5+ 5. Rxe5 b1=Q $19) 3... Kc1 4. Rb1+ $1 ({Thematic try} 4. Rb5 $2 Qa3 5. Bb3 (5. Bc4 Kc2 $11) (5. Be6 Qa4 6. Rc5+ Kb1 7. Bf5+ Ka2 8. Be6+ Kb1 $11 ) 5... Qa6 6. Bc4 Qa3 $1 {(7.Rc5 is not playable with the Bishop is on e5 instead of d4)} ({not} 6... Qg6 $2 7. Bf4+ Kc2 8. Bb3+ Kc3 9. Be5# {model mate} ) ({not} 6... Qh6 $2 7. Bb2+ Kc2 8. Bd3# {model mate}) 7. Rd5 Qa4 8. Rc5 Qc2+ ( {or} 8... Qd1+ 9. Kf2 Qc2+ 10. Kf3 {transposing}) 9. Kf3 h5 $1 (9... h6 $2 10. Bd4 Kd2 11. Be3+ Ke1 12. Bb5 Qd1+ 13. Kg3 Qd6+ 14. Kg2 Qg6+ 15. Kh2 Qd6+ 16. Kh1 $18) 10. Bd4 Kd2 11. Be3+ Ke1 12. Bb5 (12. Rg5 Qd1+ 13. Ke4 Qb1+ 14. Kf4 Qb8+ $11) 12... Qd1+ {draw}) 4... Kc2 5. Rb5 Kc1 6. Rd5 $1 ({Thematic try} 6. Bb3 $2 Qa3 7. Kd3 Qf8 8. Ke2 Qa3 9. Bf4+ Kb2 10. Be5+ (10. Bg8+ Kc2 11. Bxh7+ Kc3 12. Bg8 Kc2 $11) 10... Kc1 11. Bd4 Qa6 (11... Qe7+ $2 12. Re5 $18) 12. Bc4 Qg6 $1 {(15.Be5 model mate will not be possible with the Bishop on d4 instead of e5)} (12... Qa3 $2 13. Rc5 Kb1 14. Bd3+ Ka2 15. Rc2+ Kb3 16. Rc3+ $18) ( 12... Qd6 $2 13. Bd3 Qh2+ 14. Bf2 $18) 13. Be3+ (13. Bb2+ Kc2 14. Bb3+ Kb1 $11) 13... Kc2 14. Bb3+ Kc3 15. Bd2+ Kd4 16. Rd5+ Ke4 17. Bc2+ Kxd5 {draw}) 6... Kc2 (6... Qb4 7. Rd1+ Kc2 8. Rd4 $18) 7. Rd2+ Kc1 8. Rd1+ Kc2 9. Rd5 h5 (9... Kc1 10. Bb3 $18) (9... Qa3 10. Rd2+ $18) 10. Rb5 $1 ({Thematic try} 10. Rd2+ $2 Kc1 11. Rd1+ Kc2 12. Rd5 h4 {(the extra pawn move will draw)} 13. Rb5 Kc1 14. Bb3 Qa3 15. Bd4 h3 $1 $11) 10... Kc1 11. Bb3 Qa3 12. Bd4 $1 (12. Kd3 $2 Qf8 13. Ke3 Qe7 14. Ke2 Qa3 15. Bf4+ Kb2 16. Be5+ Kc1 {loss of time}) 12... Qa6 (12... Qe7+ 13. Re5 Qa3 (13... Qb4 14. Rc5+ Kb1 15. Bc4 Qa4 16. Rb5+ $18) 14. Rc5+ Kb1 15. Bc2+ Ka2 16. Rc7 Qa6+ 17. Kf2 $18) 13. Bc4 Qg6 14. Be3+ Kc2 15. Bb3+ Kc3 16. Bd2+ Kd4 17. Rd5+ Ke4 18. Bc2+ Kxd5 19. Bxg6 {wins. Logical study with economical mechanism to reposition the dark square Bishop and remove guard of the g6 square.} 1-0