A game that I liked (ChessBase 13)
[Event "Afek-64 JT"] [Site "?"] [Date "2016.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "(3) Richard Becker (USA)"] [Black "?"] [Result "1-0"] [Annotator "5th Honourable Mention"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "6n1/8/2K2N2/3P4/3N4/2k1p3/3b1pB1/8 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "19"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] 1. Ne2+ (1. Nxg8 $2 Kxd4 2. Bf1 Ke4 3. Be2 f1=Q 4. Bxf1 Kf3 $11) 1... Kc2 { (compared with variation 1...Kd3, White plays 2.Ng4! or loses a tempo in Try 2. Nxg8?)} (1... Kd3 2. Nf4+ Kc2 {(compared with main 1... Kc2, White plays 3. Nxg8! or loses a tempo in Try 3.Ng4?)} 3. Nxg8 $1 ({Try} 3. Ng4 $2 Ne7+ 4. Kc5 Ng6 $1 {(deflection sacrifice)} ({or} 4... Bc1 $11) 5. Ne2 Kd1 6. Bf1 Ke1 7. Nh2 Nh4 $1 8. Nf4 e2 9. Nd3+ (9. Nxe2 Be3+ 10. Kc4 Nf3 $11) 9... Kd1 10. Nxf2+ Ke1 11. Nd3+ Kd1 $11) 3... Kd1 4. d6 e2 5. Nxe2 Kxe2 6. d7 {(Kc5)+-}) 2. Ng4 $1 ({Try} 2. Nxg8 $2 Kd1 3. Ng3 (3. Bf1 Ke1 4. Ng3 e2 5. Bxe2 Bf4 $1 $11) 3... e2 4. Nxe2 Kxe2 $11) ({Try} 2. Ne4 $2 Kd1 $1 3. Nd4 (3. N4g3 Ne7+ 4. Kc5 Nf5 $1 $11) (3. N2g3 Ne7+ 4. Kc5 Ba5 $1 ({Not} 4... Ng6 $2 5. Kb5 $1 $18) 5. d6 Ng6 6. Bf1 Nf4 $11) 3... Nf6 $1 {(deflection sacrifice)} 4. Nxf6 (4. Ng3 Bc3 $1 5. Ndf5 e2 6. Bf3 f1=Q 7. Nxf1 Ke1 8. N1g3 Kf2 9. Bxe2 Be5 $1 $11) (4. Bf3+ Ke1 5. Nc2+ Kf1 6. Ng3+ Kg1 7. Be2 f1=Q 8. Nxf1 Kf2 $11) 4... e2 $1 ({not} 4... Bc3 $2 5. Bf3+ Ke1 6. Nc2+ Kd2 7. Ne4+ $1 Kxc2 8. Be2 $18) 5. Nxe2 Kxe2 {(White has gained a tempo for his Knight compared with Try 2.Nxg8?, but not a win)} 6. Nh5 (6. Ne4 Bf4 $11) 6... f1=N $1 $11) 2... Kd1 3. Bf1 Ke1 4. Nh2 Bb4 (4... Ne7+ 5. Kc5 Nf5 {(Ng6)} 6. d6 $18) 5. d6 (5. Nf4 $2 Ne7+ 6. Kd7 Nf5 $11) 5... Bxd6 6. Kxd6 Nf6 {(MAIN B)} ({MAIN A)} 6... Nh6 7. Ng3 Nf5+ $1 8. Nxf5 e2 9. Nf3+ $1 Kxf1 10. Ne3#) 7. Ng3 Ne4+ $1 8. Nxe4 e2 9. Nc3 $1 exf1=Q 10. Nf3# {. Deflection sacrifices by the black Knight on e4 or f5 lead to two different model mates by the white Knights.} 1-0